Happy Independence Day!

This is the conversation posted on my wall by a friend.
Why do we call Independence Day fourth of July? We don't call Thanksgiving the last Thursday in November or Christmas the 25th of December.
I thought it was interesting but it isn't that big a deal because for me that's what the 4th of July means.

I hope you all enjoy your holiday with family and friends while remembering our gutsy forefathers and what they went through to develop this great country. And, while we're at it let us not forget all the soldiers that fight daily and are at the ready to defend us.

The best way to watch fireworks, in dad's arms.
Safe in daddy's arms.
When I think of the Fourth of July I automatically think of the American flag. I love to see our great flag flying. Here are a few pictures of flags I have captured.



America the Beautiful. Are We Losing Her Beauty?

Fallen Hereos - Please honor them by taking the time read about them.