What Comes Before

Third, Fourth and Possibly Fifth Generation Dairy Farmers

Third, Fourth and Possibly Fifth Generation Dairy Farmers

There are a lot of shortages in the grocery stores. 

We recognize all those working hard to keep the shelves full.

We realize the grocery store employees are working extra hard. We are grateful and appreciate those who work during the night to restock.

We understand that the truckers are a huge player in our food supply. And now they are working overtime with obstacles in their way. No restaurants, only drive through, no restrooms. They are working within trying conditions. We thank and appreciate all those who are traveling the roads to bring food to our grocery stores.

For some, we will consider the processing plant, canning factory or place of storage of food stuffs. Those who work there are also pulling extra shifts, working in uncertain conditions.

For many, that’s where the background checking ends. What comes before all that?

When you see the empty dairy cases, do you see a farmer there? Do you see the person who milks the cows? The one who grows the feed, works the land, that supplies the cow with nutrients to produce the milk?

When you pick up your fresh fruits and vegetables, do you picture a person bent over in the field or reaching to the treetops to harvest? Yes, there is a lot of automation but there are just some things that need to be done by hand. And, behind the automation is a person doing their best to keep everything going.

Now that you are stuck at home more meals are made at home. The meat shelves are sparse. Hopefully most understand that there is an animal behind that product. But, do you think about the farmer/rancher that puts long hours into raising and caring for that animal?

How about the ever elusive toilet paper? Do you see a farmer/lumberjack/arborist?  Whatever you want to call them, they are out there working the land to supply your need.

For many of us farmers we are not in a good place – lack of money, weather conditions, lack of money, employee issues, lack of money, government overreach, lack of money.

Why am I writing this?

As we farmers are dying on the vine, struggling to survive it would be appreciated to be appreciated. You can help by purchasing an extra gallon of milk (when they will let you), throw another burger on the grill and most importantly while you are picking up that can of beans, the package of chicken or the container of sour cream, pray for the farmer who helped produce it.

The Upside of Isolation

Are you Selfless or Selfish?