Works in Progress
I really wish I could be different.
I wish I was that quiet meek person. The soft spoken. Or, that person that is always bringing joy when they enter the room and has a quick smile.
I wish I could keep quiet when I see things that are wrong. I really would like to be able to ignore the fake, the false, the lies that are being spread. And trust me I do bite my tongue – perhaps I should work on that more.
I’m sure my family would like it too at times.
Why is it so hard to just turn my back and say nothing? Why can’t I let the “next guy” speak up?
Today I ran into an acquaintance. She said “Thank you for being so honest on Facebook. You are doing a good job of using your gift. And you speak truth.”
I’ve been thinking about that and for whatever reason I started thinking about the cows we moved today. We had to sort ten out of about 100. We had to identify them by their number on their ear tags. When you spend time with the girls week after week you notice how different they are.
There are some who run right up to the trailer when we are unloading. There are others that run the opposite way when you’re walking through. Some will try to hide behind others.
When we load them there are some that are leaders. They will be the first on the trailer. Don’t try to put a follower on first – there will be resistance. But, once that first one is on the follower will follow.
So, we have pushy cows, timid cows, curious cows, leaders, and followers. I personally don’t value one above the other. I truly love them all and look forward to my time with them twice weekly. I’m not looking for the quiet one, the compliant one. I’m not avoiding the pushy one. I am just enjoying them all. All together they make a nice bunch of girls.
I’m fairly certain there are time that God wished I would calm down, speak less, encourage more. And I’m working at hearing his directions. Even though, I know there is nothing I can do or not do, be or not be that would make him love me more.
So, know we all are works in progress. Some of us are leaders, some followers, some quiet, some noisy and messy. It’s best we allow each other to be what we were wired to be – within reason.
Good going all you nice quiet, polite ones. And you noisy, messy ones – good for you. It’s amazing what gets done because we are brave enough to try.
It takes a lot of different voices to create harmony.
Sing on my friends, sing on.